
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Natural Cholesterol Management-Study Reaffirms Efficacy

A new study reaffirmed the recommendations of the medical community related to the power of nutrition to lower cholesterol independent of cholesterol-lowering medications.

"In the context of a low-saturated fat diet and in combination with other cholesterol-lowering dietary components, plant sterols appear to exert a very significant effect on LDL-C reduction of the order of 10 per cent for two grams per day of plant sterols," wrote lead author David Jenkins from St Michael's Hospital, Toronto."This figure is similar to studies where plant sterols have been given as the only cholesterol-lowering agent. "Numerous clinical trials in controlled settings have reported that daily consumption of 1.5 to 3 grams of phytosterols/stanols can reduce total cholesterol levels by eight to 17 per cent, representing a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Participants in the new study adhered to the guidelines set out by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III). According to these guidelines, "therapeutic lifestyle changes" can achieve results similar to some cholesterol lowering medications. The study sought to assess the effectiveness of "each functional food component to the overall cholesterol reduction observed and whether all ingredients have to be present," explained the researchers. Jenkins and co-workers prescribed the 42 subjects (average age 63) to a diet containing viscous fibres (10 g/1,000 kcal), soy protein (22.5 g/1,000 kcal), and almonds (23 g/1,000 kcal) for 80 weeks. In addition, plant sterols were taken (one gram per 1,000 kcal), except during weeks 52 to 62.

"Increased plant sterol intakes are likely to have been a part of the ancestral human diet at about one gram per day and are part of a more plant-based diet as currently recommended for CHD risk reduction, including green leafy vegetables, raw or dry roasted nuts, and non-hydrogenated vegetable oils," wrote the authors. "Their reintroduction into the Western diet to prevent CHD may be seen as similar to the desire to reintroduce fibre into the diet to reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases....Plant sterols therefore appear a good fit with other cholesterol-lowering components in a dietary portfolio to reduce CHD risk," they concluded.

D Jenkins et al. Effect of plant sterols in combination with other cholesterol-lowering foods.
Metabolism, Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 130-139

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