Sources of Good Fats for Natural Cholesterol Management
Natural cholesterol managers seek to obtain 25-35% of their calories from fats, striving for zero trans fats, less than 7% from saturated fats, and no more than 10% and 20% of their calories from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats respectively. We have extolled the virtures of extra-virgin olive oil , but many people are asking us for more information on the levels of these fatty acids in the products they consume. Here is a good chart from the Harvard School of Public Health:

And if you are looking to build a framework for natural cholesterol managementt, consider our extra-virgin olive oil with added plant sterols (.5g plant sterols from plant sterol esters).
Labels: bads fats, EVOO, foods with plant sterols, good fats, natural cholesterol lowering, natural cholesterol management, natural heart health, olive oil, statin alternatives plant sterol foods
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